Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Leaving on 03/18/07 / Nos vamos el dia 18 de Marzo

Hello friends, just wanted to give you a quick update on what's going on in our lives:
We are so amaized how God works all things for good for those that he love Him, for the last 5 months we have been trying to optain our visa for Brazil, and finally it's here. Throuhg the visa process God gave us the oportunity to pray for people of our people group at the Brazilian consulate in Houston. Also while we were waiting for our visas, Patty went to the Doctor, and he was able to see a fibroide that needs to be removed; well, she is having that surgery today, and hopefully she wil be fully recovered within two weeks. We will be in Brazil March 19th to begin language school.
Please pray for a Patty's recovery, and for a smoth trip to Campinas, and aso for a smoth transition for our new place. Please pray that our parents (both mines and Patty's) will recover quickly from the separation experience.

Hola amigos, solo quiero tomar un minuto para informarles sobre lo que esta pasando en nuestras vidas:
Estamos maravillados de como Dios onra en la vida de aquellos que le aman, durante 5 meses hemos estado tratando de obtener nuestra visa para Brasil, y finalmente ya la tenemos. Durante este proceso Dios nos dio la oportunidad de orar por gente del grupo que estaremos sirviendo en Brasil que trabajan en el consulado de brasil en Houston. Tambien durante estos meses a Patty le dagnosticaron un tumor benigno que le estan removiendo hoy mismo. Dios mediante en dos semanas o menos va a estar completamente recuperada. El 19 de Marzo estaremos finalmente en Brasil, para comenzar a estudiar Portugues.
Por favor oren por na pronta recuperacion para Patty, un buen viaje y transicion a nuestra nueva casa en Campinas Brasil. Tambien oren por que nuestros padres (de ambos) se puedan recuperar prontamente de la experienc de la separacion.

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